MID Update

Our preferred route for you to update your vehicles is to use our website, which will either navigate you to your actual insurer’s website, or, dependent on which insurer you are insured with, will accept the details of the vehicles you wish to add or remove and we will pass this information on to them.

Simply choose your insurer from the grid below and follow the online instructions:

Alternatively, you can:

Email: motortrade@dna-insurance.com

Reasoning behind the MID

• To cut down the level of uninsured driving in Britain
• To reduce premiums for insured, law-abiding drivers
• To empower police with central database for all insured vehicles

In January 2003, Britain’s M.I.D. expanded to incorporate motor traders and fleet operators as a result of the 4th EU Directive being introduced and the ‘full’ database being rolled out across Europe.

Police can access the MID directly from squad car computers. This means they can check license plates in real-time and penalise a driver if their vehicle does not show on the system.

If you fail to remove a vehicle from your Motor Trade Policy it stays on the Motor Insurance Database in your name.
That means you may still be liable on your insurance for claims involving a vehicle long after you have sold it.

You could:

• Lose your No Claims Bonus
• Get a bad claims record
• Pay more for Motor Trade Insurance
• Be liable to pay for losses to your Insurer